หลักสูตรปริญญาตรี บรรยายภาษาอังกฤษ (4 ปี)
1. Program detail | |
2. Program Highlight | |
3. Course descriptions | |
4. Tuition | |
5. 2007-2009 Calendars |
Undergraduate Program brochure
มหาวิทยาลัย UIBE มีชื่อย่อภาษาจีนว่า "จิงเม่า" เป็นสถาบันการศึกษาด้านการค้าระหว่างประเทศแห่งแรกของจีน และจัดเป็นมหาวิทยาลัยทางด้านธุรกิจอันดับหนึ่งในปักกิ่ง โดยมีประวัติย้อนหลังไปในปี พ.ศ. 2494 เมื่อมีการก่อตั้งสถาบันการศึกษาด้านการค้าที่ตงซีจิวเทียว ย่านไชน่าทาวน์ กรุงปักกิ่ง โดยอยู่ภายใต้การกำกับดูแลของกระทรวงการค้า และสถาบันการศึกษาดังกล่าวนี้ได้ย้ายไปอยู่ที่เชียนมาชาง ย่านกูเหลา ต้าเจียเก่าในปี พ.ศ. 2495 ต่อมาได้มีการปรับโครงสร้างของสถาบันการศึกษาให้สูงขึ้นในปี พ.ศ. 2496 โดยคณะการค้าระหว่างประเทศประกอบด้วยสมาชิก 10 ท่านจากสถาบันกลางด้านการเงินและเศรษฐศาสตร์และสมาชิก 7 คณะจากสถาบันเศรษฐศาสตร์และการเงินเซี่ยงไฮ้ถูกย้ายไปที่สถาบันการศึกษาดังกล่าว ในปีเดียวกันนี้มีการเปลี่ยนชื่อสถาบันการศึกษาดังกล่าวไปเป็น สถาบันการศึกษาด้านการค้ากับต่างประเทศของปักกิ่ง
ในปี พ.ศ. 2497 มีการไปรวมกับแผนกการศึกษาและการค้าระหว่างประเทศของมหาวิทยาลัยเหยินเหมิน เพื่อตั้งเป็น สถาบันการค้าระหว่างประเทศของปักกิ่ง (BIFT)
ในปี พ.ศ. 2503 มีการย้ายสถานที่ตั้งของ BIFT ไปที่เชอตาวโกวแถบชานเมืองด้านตะวันตกของกรุงปักกิ่ง เป็นเวลา 4 ปี หลังจากที่มีการปฏิวัติวัฒนธรรมในปี พ.ศ. 2513 BIFT ก็ถูกปิด และได้เปิดอีกครั้งในปี พ.ศ. 2516 ซึ่งมีสตูดิโอภาพยนตร์ปักกิ่งตั้งอยู่ก่อนแล้วภายในบริเวณสถาบัน ในปี พ.ศ. 2527 BIFT ได้รับการยกระดับให้เป็นมหาวิทยาลัยโดยใช้ชื่อว่า มหาวิทยาลัยเศรษฐศาสตร์และการค้าระหว่างประเทศ โดยมีการปรับโครงสร้างครั้งล่าสุดในปี พ.ศ. 2543 โดยสถาบันการเงินและการธนาคารของจีนได้กลายเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของ UIBE
นับตั้งแต่ที่มีการก่อตั้ง UIBE เป็นต้นมา UIBE จะอยู่ภายใต้การควบคุมของกระทรวงความร่วมมือทางด้านเศรษฐกิจ และการค้าระหว่างประเทศ ซึ่งความสัมพันธ์ที่มีมานานนี้ทำให้ธรรมเนียมปฏิบัติที่สืบทอดกันมาของ UIBE มีเป็นรูปแบบพิเศษเฉพาะตัว ตลอดระยะเวลา 52 ปีของประวัติความเป็นมานี้ UIBE มีความตั้งใจอย่างต่อเนื่องในการผลักดันให้จีนได้มีส่วนร่วมในเศรษฐกิจโลก และใช้ทรัพยากรที่เป็นเอกลักษณ์นี้ให้นักศึกษาได้รับข้อได้เปรียบ ซึ่งมหาวิทยาลัยน้อยแห่งจะมีให้ได้
UIBE รับหน้าที่ในการสอนและวิจัยโครงการต่างๆ ให้กับโครงสร้างสถาบันการศึกษาดังต่อไปนี้ :
- สถาบันการศึกษาด้านเศรษฐศาสตร์ และการค้าระหว่างประเทศ
- สถาบันการศึกษาระหว่างประเทศ
- สถาบันบริหารธุรกิจระหว่างประเทศ
- สถาบันการศึกษาด้านกฎหมาย
- สถาบันการพัฒนาจีน-เยอรมัน
- สถาบันการศึกษาต่อเนื่อง
- สถาบันมนุษยศาสตร์และการบริหารชุมชน
- สถาบันการจัดการข้อมูล ปัจจุบันมีนักศึกษาสมัครเรียนกับ UIBE
หลักสูตร |
แบ่งเป็น 4 สาขาหลักๆ ดังนี้ |
ค่าใช้จ่าย |
หลักฐาน การสมัคร |
1. ใบแสดงผลการศึกษา ฉบับจริง (Transcript) และ เอกสารรับรองวุฒิการศึกษาระดับมัธยมศึกษาตอนปลาย ฉบับภาษาอังกฤษ อย่างละ 1 ฉบับ
2. รูปถ่ายสี 1 นิ้ว จำนวน 8 ใบ 3. สำเนาหนังสือเดินทาง (เหลืออายุการใช้งานไม่ต่ำกว่า 6 เดือน) 4. ผลสอบ TOEFL 550 คะแนน ขึ้นไป สำหรับ paper based หรือ 213 คะแนน สำหรับ computer based หรือ 5.5 IELTS 5. เอกสารลงนามผู้ค้ำประกันหรือผู้ปกครอง (ขอรับแบบฟอร์มได้ที่ WLC) พร้อมสำเนาหนังสือเดินทางของผู้ลงนามการค้ำประกัน 6. จดหมายแนะนำจากอาจารย์ 1 ฉบับ |
ระยะเวลาเรียน | ใช้ระยะเวลา 4 ปี โดย 1 ปี แบ่งภาคการศึกษาออกเป็น 3 ภาค ดังนี้
วันปิดรับสมัคร | วันที่ 25 มิถุนายน สำหรับภาคกันยายน ของทุกปี |
หลักสูตรนี้ต้องเก็บหน่วยกิจให้ครบ 130 หน่วยกิจ จึงจบหลักสูตร โดยมีรายละเอียดดังนี้
วิชาพื้นฐาน 56 หน่วยกิจ วิชาแกนและวิชาเฉพาะสาขา 55 หน่วยกิจ วิชาเลือก 19 หน่วยกิจ
วิชาพื้นฐาน 56 หน่วยกิจ วิชาแกนและวิชาเฉพาะสาขา 62 หน่วยกิจ วิชาเลือก 12 หน่วยกิจ
วิชาพื้นฐาน 56 หน่วยกิจ วิชาแกนและวิชาเฉพาะสาขา 62 หน่วยกิจ วิชาเลือก 12 หน่วยกิจ
วิชาพื้นฐาน 56 หน่วยกิจ วิชาแกนและวิชาเฉพาะสาขา 62 หน่วยกิจ วิชาเลือก 12 หน่วยกิจ
1. Program detail |
1.1 Program of Study
The program is four-year undergraduate Program; the minimum length of stay in the program is four calendar years. However, the maximum time for completion of a bachelor’s degree is within six years. This time limit is counted from the time that the students enter the undergraduate program regardless of any leave of absence taken. Students who successfully finish the program will receive the Bachelor of Economics.
General Foundation Course-56 credits
Required core & field Courses-55 credits
Elective courses-19 credits
International Trade:
General Foundation Course-56 credits
Required core & field Courses-62 credits
Elective courses-12 credits
General Foundation Course-56 credits
Required core & field Courses-62 credits
Elective courses-12 credits
General Foundation Course-56 credits
Required core & field Courses-62 credits
Elective courses-12 credits
1.2 General Foundation Courses (GFC)
Course Number | Course Title | Credit |
CHN100 | Introductory Chinese Mandarin Ⅰ | 6 |
CHN101 | Introductory Chinese Mandarin Ⅱ | 6 |
PED120 | TAICHI | 2 |
PED130 | KUNG FU | 2 |
HUM130 | General Outline of China | 2 |
HUM150 | Social Work in China | 4 |
CHN200 | Intermediate Chinese Mandarin Ⅰ | 4 |
CHN201 | Intermediate Chinese Mandarin Ⅱ | 4 |
HUM205 | Chinese Traditional Philosophy | 2 |
CHN231 | Chinese Modern Philosophy | 2 |
CHN300 | Advanced Chinese Mandarin Ⅰ | 4 |
CHN301 | Advanced Chinese Mandarin Ⅱ | 4 |
CHN401 | Business Writing in Chinese | 2 |
ECO100 | Principle of Economics Ⅰ | 3 |
ECO101 | Principle of Economics Ⅱ | 3 |
MAT101 | Calculus Ⅰ | 3 |
MAT102 | Calculus Ⅱ | 3 |
Total credits | 56 |
1.3 simple Four-year steps
Investigate your major interest
Find and contact your department’s advisor
Finish first-year general foundation courses
1st summer (May-August)
Finish HUM150 Social Work in China
Finish first and second years courses
Make a decision for major and start to register major required courses.
Start to prepare thesis
repare summer Practicum
3rd summer (May-August):
Finish Practicum
Prepare Research Seminars
Finish the thesis and Research Seminar Ⅰ&Ⅱ
Begin job search
Prepare graduate application
1.4 Careers Opportunities
Graduates can be employed in a wide range of attractive and challenging careers in both private and public sectors in China and abroad.
- Business or Finance
- Government Service
- Banking
- Law
- Economic Forecasting
- Teaching
- International relations
- Policy analysis
- Graduate work or professional studies
SITE also offers International graduates program in Applied Economics (IGPAE) and International Graduate Program in International Business (IGPIB). Many Bachelor degree graduates are qualified to enter the International Graduate Programs.
2. Program Highlight |
Social Work in China (4 credits):
Most Bachelor degree students must include a HUM150 (4 credits) Social Work in China. Experience in a variety of Chinese society.
Chinese Mandarin courses:
totally 20 credits of Intensive Chinese courses offered. Plus small-groupTutorials.
Practicum (6 credits):
three-month intensive Practicum provides practical on-the-job profession experience that will help you in the comparative job markets after graduation.
Exchange Program:
SITE has international exchange programs within USA, Canada, Japan and European Universities. You may be able to participate in one of our international exchange programs through Office of International Students at SITE
Research Seminar:
Ⅰ&Ⅱ (each 2 credits)-the faculty of SITE believe that a good education requires familiarity with a range of disciplinary in your major field of study. To ensure that students are required having Research Seminar Ⅰ&Ⅱ (each 2 credits).
Internship options:
a fourth year student who has outstanding academics standards will have a internship options. Apply at Boxue Building #1109.
Martial Arts:
Chinese Martial Arts such as TAICHI, KUNG FU for self-defense as a credits course.
3. Course descriptions |
CHN100 & CHN 101 Introductory Chinese Mandarin Ⅰ&Ⅱ [each 6 credits]
Skills and strategies in CSL (Chinese Mandarin as a Second Language) for students with little or no experience with Chinese. General proficiency development. Integrated language skills and strategies for academic success at university. Lectures 4.5 hours a week, Tutorials two hours a week.
CHN200 & CHN201 Intermediate Chinese MandarinⅠ&Ⅱ [each 4 credits]
Skills and strategies in CSL for students with basic grammatical and oral competence but limited experience with academic Chinese Mandarin. Focus on reading, listening and writing. Introduction to research skills.
Prerequisite: grade of C or higher in CHN100&101 or placement by HSK
CHN300 & CHN301 Advanced Chinese MandarinⅠ&Ⅱ[each 4 credits]
Development of research and analytic skills, primarily through reading and writing of academically-oriented texts. Prerequisite: grade of C or higher in CHN200&201 or placement byHSK
CNH401 Advanced Business Writing in Chinese [2 credits]
Development of technical communication skills specific to Economics and Business students: reports, design projects, oral presentations. Prerequisite: grade of C or higher in CHN3001&301 or placement by HSK or BCT.
ECO100 & 101 Principle of Economics Ⅰ&Ⅱ[each 3 credits]
An introduction to the major tools and policy problems of economics. Economic analysis is applied to a variety of contemporary problems such as pollution, poverty, the control of monopoly, unemployment, inflation and international economic problems. Lectures 2.5 hours a week, Tutorials two hours a week.
ECO200 Mathematical Methods of Economics [3 credits]
Optimization, with and without constraints, and comparative static methods applied to models such as utility maximization and least-cost production; homogenous functions; compounding and exponential functions; economic models involving integration; the use of matrix algebra and differential equations.
Prerequisites: ECO101 with a grade of C- or higher. Lectures 2.5 hours a week.
ECO201 Intermediate MicroeconomicsⅠ [3 credits]
An analysis of consumer demand, production, costs, and an introduction to market structures, with special reference to the determination of conditions that maximize social welfare.
Prerequisites: ECO100 & 101with a grade of C- or higher.
ECO202 Intermediate MicroeconomicsⅡ [3 credits]
An analysis of distribution, market structures, and general equilibrium theory, with special reference to the determination of conditions that maximize social welfare.
Prerequisites: ECO201 with a grade of C- or higher.
ECO203 Intermediate MacroeconomicsⅠ [3 credits]
An introduction to the macroeconomic modeling of output in the short and long run, and to fixed-price models of the closed and open economy over the business cycle. Policy prescriptions in relation to the business cycle are analyzed.
Prerequisites: ECO100 & 101with a grade of C- or higher.
ECO204 Intermediate MacroeconomicsⅡ [3 credits]
An extension of macroeconomic modeling to the dynamics of wage-price adjustment in the intermediate and long run, to the theoretical foundations of basic macroeconomic relationships, and to contemporary policy issues arising in relation to the business cycle and long-run growth.
Prerequisites: ECO203 with a grade of C- or higher.
ECO205 Statistical Methods in Economics and BusinessⅠ [3 credits]
An introduction to statistical inference. Topics covered include descriptive statistics, probability theory, sampling distributions, estimation and hypothesis testing with a single population.
ECO206 Statistical Methods in Economics and BusinessⅡ [3 credits]
Continuation of ECO205 Topics covered include estimation and hypothesis testing with populations, correlation, simple and multiple linear regression, analysis of variance, tests of goodness of fit and independence, and introduction to statistical computing.
ECO210 International Trade Theory [3 credits]
This course introduces the main areas of international trade theory. Prerequisites for this course include a background in microeconomics.
ECO211 International Trade Policy [3 credits]
International trade theory and its implications for economic policy. Topics such as determinants of trade and specialization, gains from trade and commercial policy, international factor mobility, growth and development.
ECO220 Introduction to FinanceⅠ [2 credits]
Basic principles of Finance including value and capital budgeting, bonds and stocks, capital market theory, capital structure and special topics.
ECO221 Introduction to FinanceⅡ [2 credits]
Continuous of ECO221 includes Long-term Financing, options, futures and corporate Finance, and special topics.
ECON222 Essential of Business Finance [2 credits]
Capital investment and financing decisions in the context of risk and return tradeoffs. Primary and derivative securities, and their role in risk management. Mergers, corporate restructuring, the theory of principal-agent relationships, and financial planning, forecasting, and control
ECO240 Introduction to LogisticsⅠ [3 credits]
An introduction to Logistics. Logistics involve the steps taken to get your products to market. Topics covered include Supply Chain and Management, logistics and information Technology, preparation and transportation in getting the goods from the seller to the buyer.
ECO241 Introduction to LogisticsⅡ [3 credits]
Continuous of ECO240.
ECO243 Operation Research [3 credits]
An introduction to Operation Research (Mathematical Methods of Logistics).
ECO250 Chinese Economic History [2 credits]
A survey of Chinese economics history to the present.
ECO301 Econometrics [3 credits]
An introduction to econometric theory and analysis of the classical normal regression model. Topics include estimation methods, hypothesis testing, multicollinearity, autocorrelation, and heteroscedasticity.
Prerequisite: ECO206 (or equivalent) with a grade of C- or higher.
ECO302 Advance Econometrics [3 credits]
Students to multiple regression methods for analyzing data in economics and related disciplines. The objective of the course is for the student to learn how to conduct empirical studies in economics and related fields. Accordingly, the emphasis of the course is on empirical applications. The econometric theory will be introduced when needed. Popular software for econometric analysis will be introduced as well.
ECO312 International Trade Practice [3 credits]
This course is concerned with the economic analysis of selected topics in international trade and foreign direct investment. The focus is on the application of trade theory and evaluation of empirical evidence. Prerequisites for this course include a background in microeconomics, elementary mathematics and statistics. Fundamental knowledge of international trade theory and policy will also be essential.
Prerequisites: ECO210 &ECO211
ECO313 International Finance [3 credits]
An introduction to Prices in the open economy- purchasing power parity, financial markets in the open economy, flexible prices- the monetary model, currency substitution, general equilibrium models. etc.
ECO314 Advance International Finance [3 credits]
An advance International Finance includes Prices in the open economy- purchasing power parity, financial markets in the open economy, flexible prices- the monetary model, currency substitution, general equilibrium models. etc.
ECO315 Abstract of WTO [2 credits]
ECO320 Corporate Finance [3 credits]
This study of corporate financial analysis and planning includes capital budgeting, cost of capital, and capital structure and valuation. Selected topics that may be covered are mergers and acquisition, IPO, financial distress and reorganization, etc. A combination of lectures and case-study discussion is used to illustrate theories and techniques helpful in financial analysis.
ECO321 Advance Corporate Finance [3 credits]
This advanced study of corporate financial analysis and planning includes capital budgeting, cost of capital, and capital structure and valuation. Selected topics that may be covered are mergers and acquisition, IPO, financial distress and reorganization, etc. A combination of lectures and case-study discussion is used to illustrate theories and techniques helpful in financial analysis.
Prerequisites: ECO320
ECO322 Principle of Investments [3 credits]
Topics include Security Markets, portfolio analysis, capital asset pricing model, taxes and inflation, bond analysis, stocks, options, financial analysis and etc.
ECO323 Investment Management [2 credits]
Analysis of investments requirement for individuals and institutional investors: liquidity, risk, and return;portfolio design,construction, management and control;performance measurement; capital market theory.
ECO324 Financial Derivatives [2 credits]
the focus of this course is on derivative securities, i.e., securities whose payoffs depend on the values of the other “underlying” securities. The two major instruments are options and futures. We will study the organization of their markets, the mechanics of trading, trading strategies and, most importantly, pricing models for such securities.
ECO325 International Monetary Problems [2 credits]
International monetary theory and its implications for economic policy and problems.
ECO326 Introduction to Industrial Relations [2 credits]
An introduction to industrial relations covering such topics as: industrial relations systems, the functioning of trade unions, collective bargaining in Canada, and Canadian public policy in industrial relations.
ECO341 Transportation Economics [3 credits]
To provide a basic knowledge of and an analytical framework for Transportation. Topics include Diversion and reconsignment, demurrage and detention, Transportation Management and Facility Location, achieving Transportation. The objective of the course is to build a working knowledge of the fundamental concepts and management tools for business transportation.
ECO341 Supply Chain Management [3 credits]
To provide a basic knowledge of and an analytical framework for Chain Management. Topics include
Logistical relationships within the firms, specific Logistics and Supply Chain issues.
ECO342 Principle of Purchasing [3 credits]
Procedures and methods of Chain Methods of Purchasing. Topics include Purchase for resale, procuring services, E-Procurement, Global Sourcing, Purchasing ethics, etc.
Prerequisite: ECO240, ECO241
ECO343 International Trade Logistics [2 credits]
ECO349 China’s Economics and Business System [2 credits]
Appreciate how China’s recent economic and political history has shaped its business environment for local and foreign firms. Apply basic principles to understanding the management of international business in the Chinese context. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of exporting, licensing and foreign direct investment as market servicing strategies for China. Be aware of the political, economic, legal and social factors that will most impact on foreign business in China, and to have insight as to how these are best managed. Comprehend the opportunities and challenges for foreign firms in selected Chinese service and technology-intensive industries.
ECO350 Economics Policy in China [2 credits]
An account of the interrelationship between economics theories expounded in China and their issued in nation l policy.
ECO351 Economics Development of China [2 credits]
A general survey of Chinese economics development from 1970 to the present.
ECO352 Public Policy toward Business in China [2 credits]
The interaction of government and business in the Canadian economy. Reasons for government involvement in selected public policy areas. Topics covered may include competition policy, regulation of firms by boards and commissions, environmental regulation, and public enterprise.
ECO353 Environmental Economics [2 credits]
Microeconomic analysis of environmental issues. Frameworks for measuring environmental costs and benefits. The efficiency of alternative pollution control policies. Applications include air and water pollution and global environmental problems such as ozone depletion and global warming.
ECO354 Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory [2 credits]
The course consists of a series of lectures and discussion on Mao and Deng’s approach to the Chinese problems and to familiarize the essence of Mao Zedong thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory so that a students may have a better understanding of the theoretical background to the solution of problem in contemporary China, especially China-style socialism and its political economics and legal structures.
ECO390 Practicum [6 credits]
In the third year of the program, students are required to undertake a summer (May -August) Practicum, it usually 5 days per week for 3 months.
Practicum refers to the entire course including the placement hours, the seminars, meetings and the written assignments. The practicum is evaluated on a pass/fail basis. Students with significant previous work experience may apply for exemption form the third year field practicum. In order to be considered, students must prepare a portfolio on their paid or volunteer work experience.
Students are assisted in arranging their practicum by the School (Placement-the learning work environment in the community where the students contracts to do the required number of hours of work).
ECO401 Microeconomics Theory [3 credits]
The course provides a rigorous analytical treatment of the standard microeconomic models of consumer and firm behavior, market equilibrium, general equilibrium, and game theory, and it prepares students for further graduate work in the theoretical and applied fields of economics. The emphasis of the course is on methods and analytical tools as well as the presentation of received results. The student acquires the skills necessary to read and understand the professional literature and to apply the theory to a wide variety of economic problems and policies.
ECO402 Macroeconomics Theory [3 credits]
The objective of the course is to provide a basic analytical framework of modern macroeconomics so that students could use the skills acquired in the course to interpret major Chinese macroeconomic issues. It is held strongly by most of the Chinese policymakers that active government interventions with fiscal and monetary policies are an effective means to maintain the growth momentum of the economy. This is basically a Keynesian approach and the issue of good macroeconomic policy is still unresolved. The information contained in the course may be useful for students to understand this policy stance and evaluate the effects of the government polices.
ECO403 Econometrics [3 credits]
ECO404 Applied Econometrics [3 credits]
Emphasize the connection between economics theory and empirical evaluation. It will cover topics in applied macro-econometrics and Micro-econometrics with a view to illustrating the interplay between models, data and methods. In the macro part of the course, the interface between modern macroeconomic theory and empirical work will be highlighted. Some lectures will focus on international macroeconomics. The micro part of the course focuses on the application of econometric techniques to modeling the behavior of individual economic agents.
Prerequisite: ECO301
ECO404 Advanced Topics in Applied Econometrics [2 credits]
Advanced coverage of on e or more areas of current interest in applied econometrics. An empirical research project may be required.
ECON 406 Applied Time Series Analysis in Economics and Business [3 credits]
Basic concepts of time series analysis with emphasis on model building and forecasts in economics and business. Topics include: models for stationary and nonstationary time series, model identification, estimation, computation of forecasts and transfer function models.
ECO410 Advance International Trade Theory Policy [3 credits]
An examination of some theoretical approaches to the International Trade, together with analysis of some international trade policy issued of a largely character.
Prerequiset: ECO210&211 with an average grade of C- or higher.
ECO411 International Trade Research [3 credits]
This involves working on an individual basis with a faculty member. The typical pattern is to meet for 2 hours every 2 weeks during the term registered, and to submit a research paper at the end of the term, which is the basis for the course grade. Application for a directed research project will normally only be considered when a student has completed the core ECO210, ECO211
ECO412 Legal Aspects of International Trade [2 credits]
ECO420 Investment Management [3 credits]
This course is mainly concerned with the characteristics and analysis of individual securities, as well as the theory and practice of optimally combining securities into portfolio. After a basic introduction to the investment environment and security markets, we will begin with a detailed discussion of common stock valuation and fixed-income security valuation. Here we first discuss traditional methods for the valuation of common stock, the characteristics and role of dividends and earnings, and some recent developments in earnings-based equity valuation.
ECO421 Financial Markets [3 credits]
ECO430 Industrial Organization [3 credits]
An examination of various theoretical and empirical studies of firm and market organization with emphasis on the pricing, advertising, investment and locational behavior of firms in imperfectly competitive markets.
ECO431 Applied Industrial Economics [3 credits]
This course examines the empirical application of microeconomics, with special emphasis on the Canadian economy. Topics include: consumer demand, firm production and investment, and industrial and trade structure.
ECO440 Mathematical and Statistical Analysis in Economics [3 credits]
Analysis and algebra: including set theory, sequences and series, quadratic forms, separation and fixed-point theorems. Static optimization, and Kuhn-Tucker theorems; convexity and quasi-convexity; and the envelope theorem. Dynamic optimization. And Probability: including conditional probability, random variables and distributions, unconditional and conditional expectations. Distributions: including special distributions and their properties, and sampling distributions of estimators. Nonparametric methods and limit theorems; stochastic processes; simulation and bootstrap methods. Applications of these tools to economic theory are presented.
Prerequisite: ECO200 and ECO206 with a grade of C or higher.
ECO441 International Transportation and Logistics [3 credits]
Topics include International marketing, International trade inventories, Logistic Channels in International Distribution, etc.
ECO442 Warehousing Managements [3 credits]
Topics include Public, Private and contract Warehousing, Warehousing operations, etc.
ECO450 Chinese Business Laws [2 credits]
This course provides a rather comprehensive overview of the laws relating to trading with and investing in China. The areas covered in this Course may include; Introduction to the Chinese Legal System and the Recent Developments of the Chinese Business Laws, Contracts, Company law, Foreign investment in relation to equity joint ventures, cooperative joint ventures and wholly foreign-owned enterprises, Securities law, Banking law, Insurance law
ECO460 Special Studies in Economics [2 credits]
Content varies year by year; topics to be determined by the instructor invited to offer the course.
ECO462 Internship Placement [4 credits]
Internship placements may be available to persons who are full-time students and are registered in the Internship Program option of the Bachelor program. Placements locate students for the summer term in government departments or non-governmental organizations and integrate the theoretical and practical aspects of International undergraduate Program. Registration in the internship Placement in summer term requires permission of the Dean of School of the International Trade and Economics. Opening for internship will be posted ad when they become available, so you should plan accordingly. This Internship Placement is a competitive program, and is entirely voluntary in that participating students receive no financial remuneration. However, the Placement provides students with direct work experience in various areas of governments or non- governments, and helps to develop personal contacts and networks to assist with future career prospects. Interns generally undertake research and analysis activities for five days per week during June, July and/or August.
ECO490 Thesis Project [6 credits]
Students for Bachelor of Economics degree shall write a Thesis. This course provides students with the opportunity to conduct research in their area of interest and present the data in an undergraduate thesis format. Open to all candidates for the Bachelor of Economics degree. A thesis is conducted under the direct supervision of a faculty advisor from the School of International Trade and Economics.
ECO491 Research SeminarⅠ [2 credits]
Students admitted into the Bachelor of Economics are required to undertake two Research seminars. In the fourth year of year students undertake a two term Research Seminar may write an essay. Students work under a faculty advisor.
ECO492 Research SeminarⅡ [2 credits]
Continuous of ECO491, students may present their essays during the seminar. Students have to prepare the formal seminar to get the grade. Their faculty advisor and one of faculty will be joined the seminar to mark their grades.
HUM130 General Outline of China (2 credits)
An introduction to general outline of China. Chinese culture, history, etc.
MAT101 & MAT102 Calculus Ⅰ&Ⅱ[each 3 credits]
Limits, differentiation, the definite integral, elementary functions, techniques of integration, parametric equations and polar coordinates. Improper integrals, sequences and series, introduction to differential equations. Lectures 2.5 hours a week, Tutorials two hours a week.
PED120 TAICHI (2 credits)
Tai Chi is to foster a calm and tranquil mind, focused on the precise execution of these exercises. Learning to do them correctly provides a practical avenue for learning about such things as balance, alignment, fine-scale motor control, rhythm of movement, the genesis of movement from the body's vital center, and so on. Thus the course offeres in some measure contribute to being able to better stand, walk, move, run, etc. in other spheres of life as well. Many practitioners notice benefits in terms of correcting poor postural, alignment or movement patterns which can contribute to tension or injury. Furthermore the meditative nature of the exercises is calming and relaxing in and of itself
PED130 KUNG FU (2 credits)
One of the philosophies and techniques of self-defense that came from China.
Note: not all courses listed are offered in a given year. For an up-to-date statement of course offerings for the current session and to determine the term of offering, consult the Administrative Director and Class Schedule booklet available online at http://site.uibe.edu.cn/site or at Boxue Building #1109.
4. Tuition |
University reserves a right to change tuition fees, later registration fees and refund policies without notice. Tuition fees are usually reviewed in the spring of each year. Fees are due and payable at the time of registration. However, payments are due before the start of classes. For more detail information includes payments methods, please see Payments Fees
4.1 Full-Time students
For the incoming Bachelor degree students, the tuition Fees are as below.
First-year tuition:¥52000 (Chinese Yuan)
Second-year Tuition:¥59000 (Chinese Yuan)
Third-year Tuition: ¥49000 (Chinese Yuan)
Fourth-year Tuition: ¥39000 (Chinese Yuan)
*No includes summer courses except HUM150 and Practicum.
4.2 Part-time students (include visiting and special students)
Tuition fees for non-degree students are charged on a credit basis. The rate for each credit is ¥1500 (Chinese Yuan)
5. 2007-2009 Calendars |
There are three terms in one academic calendar year; fall, spring and summer term. Fall and spring consist of fifteen weeks of normal classes and a summer term consists of 8 weeks of classes (excepting HUM150, Practicum, and Internship)
5.1 2007/2008 calendar
Fall Term: August 27-Decmber 14, 2007
Spring Term: January 7-May 9, 2008
Summer Term: May 19-July 11, 2008
5.2 2008/2009 Calendar
Fall Term: August 25-Decmber 12, 2008
Spring Term: January 5-May 8, 2009
Summer Term: May 18-July 10, 2009
﹡: Attendance is required in your first year only.